NOVY LEF Journal imagery: 1927-1929

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover, issue #1 mixed media 1927 The cover highlights photography, and the experimental angles of imagery. Here Rodchenko uses the technique of the "worms eye" view in which he has taken this photo of an apartment building from a sharp angle underneath the structure. The photo ignites the feeling of the mortality of man, and a feeling of the immortality of architecture.

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover, issue #3 mixed media 1927-1929 This time, Rodchenko has eliminated the boundaries of borders. His photograph takes up the entire page, and the title and issue number become a part of the urban landscape, as they take on the location of a street sign.

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover, issue #4 mixed media 1927-1929 The cover features photographs of a Soviet naval ship and canons. This imagery worked as propaganda for The Soviet regime as well as for industrialism. In the typography of the title we see Rodchenko combining the style of bilateral design he used in the LEF journal cover title, with the curvilinear font he created specifically for Novy LEF.

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover, issue #7 mixed media 1927-1929 Here again Rodchenko has employed a sharp angular view in his photograph of a woman. Compared to the issue #3 cover in which the photo becomes the cover, in #7, Rodchenko imposes part of the photo onto the cover page. He uses only the anthropomorphic black and white image of a woman devoid of any other details from the photo, and overlays her onto a flat cover page with colored strips.

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover, issue #9 mixed media 1927-1929

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover, issue #12 mixed media 1927-1929

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover, issue #11, and inside page mixed media 1927-1929 In the inside page adjacent to the cover page , Rodchenko has employed a "bird's eye" view in his photograph of a woman on the telephone. This photograph demonstrates the journal's agency of industrialism and engineering by showing a woman in the Soviet Union using a telephone, and the journal's agency of design igniting social change within the masses through the photographic angle of a "bird's eye".

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover issue # 2 mixed media 1927-1929

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover, issue #5 mixed media 1927-1929

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover, issue #6 mixed media 1927-1929

Alexander Rodchenko Novy LEF cover, issue #8 mixed media 1927-1929